14 Eaton Avenue, Buckshaw Village, Chorley
11,137 Sq ft
Offers in the region of £1.75 million
£12.50 per sq. ft.

Advance Point, Rossendale Road, Burnley
2,490 - 10,500 Sq ft
From £398,400 plus VAT
From £8.00 per sq. ft plus VAT

Albion Street, Accrington
3,298 Sq ft
Offers in excess of £300,000.

East Side Works, Albion Street/Fort Street, Accrington
14,557 Sq ft
Offers in excess of £675,000 are sought.

Momentum Business Centre, Haslingden Road, Blackburn
650 - 3,400 Sq ft
Industrial, Office, Investment
£134,950 for 650 sq.ft
£169,950 for 850 sq.ft
£9,500 pa for 650 sq.ft
£12,000 pa for 850 sq.ft