Blackburn Office01254 699 030

Chorley Office01257 204 900

Search results

30-32 Chapel Street, Chorley, PR7 1BW

Full Details

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      The property is situated on the pedestrianised section of Chapel Street in the centre of Chorley surrounded by a number of local, regional and national retailers.

      Chorley town centre has undergone significant regeneration in the last few years with construction of a new retail extension housing Marks and Spencer, Sports Direct and Reel Cinemas. In addition the centre has seen an influx of leisure and restaurant uses.


      The property comprises a two-storey retail premises until recently occupied by Quality Save.

      It is of brick built construction under a pitched slate roof.

      The ground floor provides predominantly open plan retail accommodation with ancillary storage to the rear and the first floor providing additional storage, w/c facilities, canteen and managers office. There is a goods lift between the two floors.


      We have calculated the floor areas to be as follows:

      Gross Frontage 31 feet
      Net Frontage25 feet
      Internal Width (Front)30 feet
      Shop Depth84 feet
      Ground Floor Total2,314 sq.ft
      First Floor Ancillary 1,827 sq.ft
      Total4,141 sq.ft

      The property is either available to purchase or lease


      Reduced to £425,000 plus VAT


      Understood to be freehold.


      Reduced to £37,500 per annum plus VAT

      Lease Terms

      The property is available by way of a new lease for a minimum period of 5 years on full repairing and insuring terms.


      In respect of the leasehold transaction a deposit will be required. Further details are available on request.

      Legal Costs

      In respect of the leasehold transaction the ingoing tenant will be responsible for the landlords reasonable legal costs.


      The property has a current rateable value of £28,500 with rates payable expected to be in the region of £14,250.


      The property has an EPC rating of C(51). See link


      VAT may be charged at the prevailing rate on figures in these particulars.

      Money Laundering Regulations

      Please note that we are now required to carry out customary due-diligence on all purchasers once an offer is accepted, whereby we are required to obtain proof of identity and proof of address of the prospective purchaser.

      We will then undertake an AML check via Smart Search to comply with HMRC's anti money laundering requirements.


      The property is available for immediate occupation.


      With the exception of gas all mains services are available to the property.


      The property has been used as a retail shop for a number of years and therefore it is understood that most retail uses will be considered by the planners.

      It is recommended that interested parties contact Chorley Borough Council to discuss their proposed use in greater detail.


      Strictly via agents
      Taylor Weaver
      Neil Weaver MRICS
      Telephone: 01257 204 900


      Staincliffe Jones Commercial Property Consultants
      David Jones
      Mob: 07714 429555