Blackburn Office01254 699 030

Chorley Office01257 204 900

Search results

Spen Enterprise Park, Knowsley Park Way, Haslingden, BB4 4FA

Full Details

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      The site is situated on Knowsley Park Road on the popular and established Knowsley Road Industrial Estate on the edge of Haslingden.

      The site has easy access to the A56 which links to the national motorway network to the North at junction 8 of the M65 motorway and to the South at junction 1 of the M66 motorway.


      The development will comprise a series of modern industrial/business units constructed in a short terrace.

      They will be of steel portal frame construction with brickwork and insulated profile steel clad walls and roof, including double skin translucent roof panels.

      Access to each unit will be via a manual roller shutter door together with separate personnel entry. Internally each unit will benefit from a solid concrete floor, w.c facilities, kitchenette and a minimum eaves height of around 5 metres.

      The units will be suitable for light industrial or storage use with the internal fit out being the responsibility of the purchaser/tenant. Each unit will be allocated three parking spaces within the development.


      Units from 1,250 sq.ft upwards

      We currently have units 4,5,6 & 7 available providing up to a maximum of 5,000 sq.ft

      Further details are available on request.

      The property is either available to purchase or lease


      £220,000 per unit, plus VAT.


      Understood to be long leasehold for a period of 999 years at a nominal ground rent.


      £15,500 per annum.

      Lease Terms

      The units are available by way of a new lease for a minimum period of 5 years on full repairing and insuring terms.

      Service Charge

      A service charge will be levied on the estate to cover the costs of landscaping areas, gritting external lighting etc and we anticipate these costs to be in the region of 50p per sq.ft.

      Legal Costs

      In respect of the leasehold transaction the ingoing tenant will be responsible for the landlords reasonable legal costs.


      The units will require assessment upon occupation although we anticipate that the units will benefit from small business rates relief. Further details on request.


      An EPC will be available on completion.


      VAT will be charged at the prevailing rate.

      Money Laundering Regulations

      Please note that we are now required to carry out customary due-diligence on all purchasers once an offer is accepted, whereby we are required to obtain proof of identity and proof of address of the prospective purchaser.

      We will then undertake an AML check via Smart Search to comply with HMRC's anti money laundering requirements.


      All mains services, with the exception of gas will be available to the property. There will be a single phase supply to each unit.


      Most industrial uses will be permitted. Further details are available on request.


      Strictly via sole agent Taylor Weaver
      Neil Weaver MRICS
      Telephone: 01254 699 030