Blackburn Office01254 699 030

Chorley Office01257 204 900

Search results

Ground Floor, Blakewater House, Phoenix Park, Blackburn, BB1 5RW

Full Details

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      The property is situated on the popular and established Greenbank Business Park, approximately 1.5 miles from Blackburn town centre and just under 0.5 miles from junction 6 of M65 motorway.

      The development is home to a number of well known businesses including Silicone Engineering, Lancashire Constabulary, The Range and Hippo Motor Group.

      The property is situated within the Phoenix Park development comprising a series of high quality two-storey office buildings constructed in the early 2000's.


      The property comprises the ground floor of a two-storey office building. It is of steel frame construction with brickwork walls, under a pitched steel profile roof.

      Internally the suite has the benefit of a suspended ceiling incorporating LED lighting, gas central heating, air conditioning and double glazed windows.

      The suite has been sub-divided to provide a series of open plan and cellular office space, together with w.c and amenity facilities.

      Externally there is parking for 7 vehicles.


      We have calculated the net internal area of the property to be as follows: 

      Ground Floor 
      Meeting Room347 sq.ft
      Room 1185 sq.ft
      Kitchen 48 sq.ft
      Main Office 495 sq.ft
      Private Office 1 109 sq.ft
      Private Office 2 75 sq.ft
      Private Office 3 195 sq.ft
      Private Office 4 96 sq.ft
      Private Office 5 105 sq.ft
      Total1655 sq.ft


      Year 1 £8.00 psf and £10 psf thereafter

      Lease Terms

      The property is available by way of a new lease for a minimum period of 3 years.

      The lease will be held on an internal repairing basis with the tenant contributing towards the maintenance of the property by way of a service charge.

      Service Charge

      Service charge to be levied on the tenant to include external maintenance to the property, landscaping, gritting in winter, external lighting etc. The cost of the service charge is approximately £1000 plus VAT

      Building Insurance

      The Landlord to insure and charge back. Further details on request.


      The property has a ratable value of £12,500. Eligible businesses may be able to claim some small business rates relief, further information available on request.

      Legal Costs

      Each party is to be responsible for their own legal costs.


      Not applicable


      All mains services available to the property


      The property has an EPC rating of C (61).


      The suite is suitable for office use within class E g (i)I of the Town and Country Use Classes Order.


      Strictly via sole agent; Taylor Weaver
      Neil Weaver MRICS
      Tel: 01254 699 030